5 Super Simple Language Hacks You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

By John Patino

December 12, 2024

Learning a language is tough, that’s no secret. But there’s some things you can do that make learning one way easier. This article dives into 5 tips that you can use to become fluent faster and master your language. I won’t waste your time either, all of these tips are very valuable and have taken me to the next level when learning languages.

#1 Be Consistent

Consistency is key in learning. I’m sure when you were in school, most of your teachers told you not to cram, and instead consistently study every day. This also applies to learning new languages. Even studying 5 minutes a day can help you remember the language long term. Tools like Jarggin have options like reminders, where you can get a notification to practice. While practicing, you can study new grammar, take a look at some new vocabulary, or read articles in your language, which brings us into the next topic.

#2 Listen and Watch Media

Consuming media such as movies, shows, music, and even articles can be a big help. They help you become immersed in the language, and often forces you to learn new words to understand what is going on. It’s easy to find movies that are in other languages. One of my favorites is La Casa de Papal (Money Heist) made in Spain. Even just changing the audio on platforms like Netflix can be a major boost in your language journey.

#3 Switch Your Phone Language

Switching your phone language is a sure-proof way to force yourself to learn new vocabulary words and common practices in your language. This is such an amazing method because you need to learn what everything says if you want to use your phone. Switching the language in social media apps such as Tiktok and Instagram helps too, as you’ll be consuming actual media from native speakers.

#4 Talk to Yourself

Okay hear me out, I know it sounds crazy, but this might be one of the best methods. While you are doing your everyday tasks, start just thinking about what you are doing or what you need to do. This will help you become more confident when talking about these things and will also help you learn new vocabulary. While you are doing this, it is important that you look up words that you don’t know, and use the word more during the day.

#5 Focus on Ideas, Not Literal Translations

If you want to start talking to real people and become comfortable, this is the best tip. Don’t ever get caught up talking because you can’t think of a word, instead phrase it a different way. For example, instead of saying something like “Can you pass me the mustard”, and you don’t know what the word for pass or mustard is, you can say “Can you give me the yellow bottle”. As you can see, the second sentence is much easier to translate and still gets the idea across, and whoever you are talking to will most likely understand and will probably tell you the translation.